
Alumni in our network: MeinDoc GmbH

Short statement or feedback of startups, internationals and alumni on our services. (By wojciech.muras)


About market exploration trip to Vietnam, 2023

Statement by Manh Tu Vu, Co-Founder | MeinDoc GmbH: 

"Our Vietnam trip with the ISC in June 2023 not only expanded our horizons but also greatly enriched our network. The dedicated teams on-site created an atmosphere that allowed for intense conversations and creative brainstorming sessions right from the beginning. It was impressive to observe how many business synergies emerged from the diverse meetings and workshops. Thanks to ISC, we have been able to establish numerous valuable contacts that are promising not only professionally but also on a personal level. The exchange with knowledgeable and passionate entrepreneurs on-site was inspiring and opened up new perspectives for us. We look forward to exploring the opportunities that have arisen and are confident that the forged connections will lead us to sustainable success. Special thanks to ISC for this extraordinary and productive time!"

If you want to be part of this journey, write to us.
