21.11. – 21.11.2023
by International Startup Campus

Digitalgipfel - Startup-Stage

Entdecke beim Digital-Gipfel der Bundesregierung Startups aus Mitteldeutschland aus Bereichen #DeepTech & #Industrie, #Gesundheit & #Sport sowie #EduTech & #Nachhaltigkeit, die als treibende Kräfte der nachhaltigen digitalen Transformation agieren. Diskutiere mit Startups und etablierten Unternehmen über Erfolgsfaktoren und Herausforderungen bei der Transformation durch Innovation und Kooperation. u.v.m. Höhepunkt ist die Pitch-Veranstaltung!


Diskussion | Event/Festival | Feedback | Informationsveranstaltung | Messe | Networking | Wettbewerb


Gründungsökosystem | Möglichkeiten | Netzwerke


Deutschland | Mitteldeutschland




09:00 – 19:00
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena - Ernst-Abbe-Campus
Carl-Zeiss-Str. 3
07743 Jena


ohne Anmeldung


Free of charge/frei



Ede Möser
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

Ede Möser works as a consultant in the start-up service of the University of Jena and is responsible for various event and qualification formats as well as workshops for international students, people interested in founding a company and start-ups. In particular, he is the contact person for the area of the Academy and startup ecosystems, but also provides advice and assistance to those interested in market exploration trips.

Valerie Daldrup
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

Valerie Daldrup has many years of experience in various international projects, especially in cooperation with Asia, and has worked for various associations, international companies and research institutions. She is responsible for the coordination of the subproject at the University of Jena and is the contact person for people interested in founding a company and startups with an interest in internationalization, especially Japan.

Dr. Oliver Pänke
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

Dr. Oliver Pänke is head of Transfer at the University of Jena's Service Center for Research and Transfer and manages the University of Jena's subproject. He holds a doctorate in chemistry, has many years of experience in the field of start-ups and advises on issues including intellectual property rights.

Ede Möser
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
+49 3641 9 402123

Ede Möser works as a consultant in the start-up service of the University of Jena and is responsible for various event and qualification formats as well as workshops…

+49 3641 9 402123


ohne Anmeldung


Free of charge/frei

